Interjections for Approval Bravo , Brilliant , Well done

Concept Explanation

Interjections for Approval Bravo , Brilliant , Well done

The interjection of approval is used to express a strong sense of approval for something like- Bravo, well done, absolutely, Good, very good, cheers, good job, great, brilliant, splendid etc

Examples of Interjection Bravo:

  • Bravo! John has taken a wicket.
  • Bravo! Richard has scored a goal.
  • Bravo! To your success!
  • Examples of Interjection Well done:

  • Well done! You have done a good job.
  • Well done! You have got the highest marks.
  • Well done! Your design is beautiful.
  • Well done! You sang really well.
  • Examples of Interjection Brilliant:

  • Brilliant! Your article is so helpful.
  • Brilliant! Your plan is outstanding.
  • Brilliant! You did a wonderful job!
  • Examples of Interjection Splendid:

  • Splendid! I like your work.
  • Splendid! You performed best than others.
  • Examples of Interjection Yummy:


  • Yummy! The cake is so delicious.
  • Yummy! The pudding is really tasty.
  • Yummy! I loved your cooking.
  • Other Examples of Interjections of approval

  • Absolutely! That’s exactly what I want!
  • Good! Keep it up!
  • Cheers! To our team’s success!
  • Great! We will meet as scheduled.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Fill in the blank part with correct Interjection .

    1. ____________  You have got the highest marks.

    2.  ____________  The pudding is really tasty.

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Fill in the blank part with correct Interjection .

    1. ____________ You performed best than others.

    2. ___________  We will meet as scheduled.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Fill in the blank part with correct Interjection .

    1. __________ Your article is so helpful.

    2. _____________ The cake is so delicious.

    3. ______________  You acted really well.

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
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    Language - English

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